Are you still considering whether to invest this year or not? Have you reviewed your current AIA?
With the final quarter of the year already upon us, its an ideal time to remind our clients about the Annual Investment Allowance and also about the possible benefits from accelerating any asset purchases they may be considering into 2015.
As things stand, businesses can claim 100% capital allowances on asset purchases up to a maximum of £500,000 until the end of the year but with that set to reduce to £200,000 in 2016, any clients who are eligible to pay tax and planning to spend over £200k would be well advised to look to buy this year.
On the face of it the reduction of the threshold isn't good news for many but the £500k was always intended to be short-term and potentially reduced to £25k, so it could have been worse!
These UK tax changes were implemented by the Government to boost business investment and according to recent figures from the FLA, have had the desired effect, with asset finance new business showing 14% growth on last year for the 12 months up to August 2015. The importance of leasing, hire purchase and loans has grown further over the last few years with 32% of all fixed assets excluding land and buildings being financed using these products compared to 25% in 2010.
If you or your clients may have deals they can bring forward into 2015, don't hesitate to get in touch with Davies Corporate Finance to discuss!
Small Business Success
We here at Davies Corporate Finance are pleased that the British Business Bank has recognised that asset finance is a market solution to the problem of small business lending.
Six year high for asset finance
UK businesses are turning more to asset finance to invest in new business equipment for growth according to recent statistics released by the Finance and Leasing Association.
Why invoice financing is replacing traditional loans
Since the credit crunch, businesses and individuals have been more aware of their finances than ever before. A lack of trust in the banks is leading people to look for alternatives to traditional bank loans and increasingly businesses are using invoice financing.
Commercial Vehicle Finance
Commercial Vehicles are an extension of your business and can truly represent your business. If you’re looking to upgrade, or begin your companies journey into commercial vehicles, Davies Finance can assist with a variety of services that will help you get the best funding solution for your company.
Sustained business growth
As a business, it is normal to be concerned about your finances, when you have a team of staff to think of and a responsibility toward your businesses assets, particularly when you may have difficulty accessing appropriate finance options to grow your businesses at the required rate.
Asset finance - new business boom
Starting out as a new business in the wake of the economic downturn couldn’t be tougher when your business, organisation or enterprise relies on other assets and their acquisition for growth.
SME Growth from Asset Finance
As a financing option asset finance provides SME’s with a more flexible loan to obtain required assets protecting both their cash flow and providing tax benefits.
Why any new Start-up should take sound Financial Advice?
Owning and running your own business can be very rewarding but there are also a number of pit-falls that need to be avoided (or at least planned for) so that you can make a success of the venture.
Why take out Key Person Insurance
Have you ever considered what the impact would be to your business if you or one of your key employees was unable to perform their job on a day to day basis, either through illness or, more drastically, death?
Thinking of getting a mortgage?
Well here are some friendly tips on how to save up that little extra cash so you can buy the house you have always dreamed about, so here is some advice of what you should do before you start saving up for a Mortgage.
Cash Flow Planning Presentation
Take a look at our new SlideShare Presentation on why Cash Flow Planning is important to every business.
Why use Cash Flow Financing?
There is a famous quote that many business owners have heard that goes something like "Turnover is vanity, profit is sanity, cash is king”, but what does this actually mean?
Asset finance for Hauliers
Although there are signs of the economic recovery continuing in 2014 there are still a number of obstacles facing the Haulage, Logistics and Delivery sectors that mean that purchasing new Commercial Vehicles is still fraught with danger.
Can I Have Credit Insurance?
Business is hard and in today’s competitive marketplace you need to protect yourself and your business against the risk bad debt. In an ideal world all your customers would pay up front, but occasionally you might be let down.
What is Invoice Finance?
Does your business need an injection of money to help with expansion or a project? Would additional cash flow help to make the day to day running of your business easier? If so, invoice finance could benefit you and your business. At Davies Corporate Finance, we can guide you through the various invoice financing options available, taking into account your individual circumstances to find the most suitable service for you.
Does Your Business Need Insurance?
It’s absolutely vital that you invest in insurance for your business, so that you can protect yourself, your business, and your employees from unexpected events. From a staff injury or compensation claim to vehicle breakdown or stolen equipment, any disruption to your business will cost you time and money. Business insurance will help you and your business through difficult times.

Lack of Finance Crippling UK Innovation
David Davies comments
'Further evidence to support the view that UK banks are still struggling to provide effective finance to the SME sector. Our panel of funders enables us to provide a diverse selection of financial services which are geared to providing effective business finance to assist growth and ease cash flow pressures’.
New Asset Finance Lender of Davies Corporate Finance announces yearly profits
David Davies comments:
'a growing lender in the asset finance market today confirms its latest profits. Whilst a mixed report, it is good to see some positive comments coming out from one of our panel of lenders'
The UK Economy will continue to grow throughout this year
The UK Economy will continue to grow throughout this year, with GDP growth expected to pick up in 2014!
David Davies comments:
'Whilst many sectors of the UK are still struggling to achieve sizable growth, we are starting to see first hand from many of our client base that prospects for 2013-2014 are certainly improving’